Friday, July 25, 2008

Seven Wonders

So I have become maybe a little bit obsessed with The Seven Wonders of the World (dund dund dund). I did not realize that not only are there the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Medieval Times, and Natural Wonders, but there are also Modern Times, Architectural, and Engineering (not to brag but the Internet is listed as one, random). Anyway, we realized that we are going to be able to hit almost all of the top 20 wonders, recently voted on a few years ago, thank you Wikipedia. So just to provide you with some more Jeopardy knowledge...

The Seven Wonders of the World:
- Chichen Itza (Yucatan, Mexico)
- Christ the Redeemer (Rio de Janerio, Brazil)
- Colosseum (Rome, Italy)
- Great Wall of China (China)
- Machu Picchu (Cuzco, Peru)
- Petra (Jordan)
- Taj Mahal (Agra, India)
- Great Pyramid of Giza, Honorary status as last remaining ancient wonder of the world (Cairo, Egypt)

The other 13 finalists for the Title, oh so close:
- Acropolis of Athens (Athens, Greece)
- Alhambra (Granada, Spain my amor)
- Angkor Wat (Angkor, Cambodia)
- Easter Island Moais (Easter Island, Chile)
- Eiffel Tower (Paris, France)


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