So, we leave tomorrow for B. Pretty amazing that it is here. This week was great, busy and lots of fun. We decided to milk it up and have two good-bye parties. Who doesn't love a reason to have a party? We both got to catch up with a lot of our friends. So we have both heard a lot of talk of people promising to come visit us along the way... now that you have talked the talk, I want to see you walk that walk to see us. Now that we are finally on our way you will get actual interesting blogs about the trip, not just me rambling on and on. Good-bye America, we will see you again soon!!!
Not to hold hands here, but to make a comment on the blog just click the comment link below, then type in your comment, type in the random letters, then you can either click 'Name/URL' to display your name or just do 'anonymous'. Cheers!
I'm reading this book about a young woman who travels to Moscow, Beijing, and Havana, and this book makes me want to run away and travel! This paragraph made me think of your big trip:
"That's because true travel, the kind with no predetermined end, is one of the most selfish endeavors we can possibly undertake--an act in which we focus solely on our own fulfillment, with little regard to those we leave behind. After all, we're the ones venturing out into the big crazy world, filling up journals, growing like weeds. And we have the gall to think they're just sitting at home, soaking in security and stability."
Well, I'm excited for you girls... and a very jealous!! Remember us peasants... slaving away during the week and rockin' out on weekends! security and stability... ha! from the woman who's crashed hot air balloons and plenty of parties, a little security and stability wouldn't be such a bad thing! Hope you have an amazing adventure!! Bon Voyage, my friends!
Travels with Sarah & Mary
by GWH
May your burdens be forgiving,
And your evening stars shine bright.
While your traveling friendships carry
You through even the darkest night.
Worry not about your schedule
Or whether a locale is right.
Just enjoy the journey today,
And see all that can bring delight.
As you greet the roadways with awe,
Enjoy the grandeur of each site.
May your way be clear, open, but
Stay away from creatures that bite.
Stay healthy with sleep, food and drink.
Give in to fatigue without fight.
Yet, stay the course, follow your dreams,
And with your traveling friend unite.
When you return, with life renewed,
Share your travels and small insights.
Know that we will bask in your joy
A life with blue skies and green lights.
Without. You cut you hair. It looks good. Love hearing about the travels. Have fun in Paris. Will you shoot me an email with your email address? sara.sustersic@nbcuni.com. Miss you!
This comment lacks poetry, however, it's been three days!!! Get a post up already. Oh, and I got my present in the mail.
Hi Sarah! It's Peggy. I am so jealous that you are starting your trip around the world, but very happy for you! Looking forward to following along with you while you are on your journey...
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