We made it quite smoothly to Paris and are off to a rip-roaring start here. Possibly making it to rockstar jetset traveler status already. OK, OK, we are going to ovea ourselves now.
Paris is our first, quick, painless, stop. Over our three days here we covered quite a bit of Parisian ground... Museum de O'rsay, Louvre (apparently we are HUGE fans), Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower, Paninis, Nutella and banana creps, and Sarah's favourite pastry of all - the elephant ear. We had awesome roomates at the hostel, Elisa and Beni, from Berlin. We became quick friends: drinking wine, talking American culture vs. German culture, singing the 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air' theme song (Beni had it down), Barack winning the nomination over Hillary, life in East Germany during the Cold War, and general University studies. We also made friends with the boys from Amsterdam, not to mention Chloe, the French girl from Gabon. It was a great place to start this trip, easy, amazing weather, familiar town, identifiable/ediable food... these are things we are sure to appreciate later.

We have officially been to Brussels, where we consumed a Hoegaarden and a waffle. Check, check, dj.
Amsterdam. Here now...details to follow.
Paris is our first, quick, painless, stop. Over our three days here we covered quite a bit of Parisian ground... Museum de O'rsay, Louvre (apparently we are HUGE fans), Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower, Paninis, Nutella and banana creps, and Sarah's favourite pastry of all - the elephant ear. We had awesome roomates at the hostel, Elisa and Beni, from Berlin. We became quick friends: drinking wine, talking American culture vs. German culture, singing the 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air' theme song (Beni had it down), Barack winning the nomination over Hillary, life in East Germany during the Cold War, and general University studies. We also made friends with the boys from Amsterdam, not to mention Chloe, the French girl from Gabon. It was a great place to start this trip, easy, amazing weather, familiar town, identifiable/ediable food... these are things we are sure to appreciate later.
We have officially been to Brussels, where we consumed a Hoegaarden and a waffle. Check, check, dj.
Amsterdam. Here now...details to follow.