Our first day at Fort Douglass was beautiful weather so Mary and Hari took bikes to check out the town, while I made an appointment and went to the doctor to see if my eardrum was healed and if I would finally be able to scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef. I went to the doctor and he told me that my ear was not healed and that I could not go scuba diving. I was devasted. Again I was not going to be able to go scuba diving and would have to sit out, just like I had to in Thailand and Indonesia.
This was probably the toughest period of the trip for me. Besides the worry that my ear was still not healing correctly, I was facing the realization that Mary would most likely go with Hari to Argentina and I would be going to New Zealand alone. Clearly their relationship was now a life commitment and it didn´t make sense nor was it fair for me to tag along with them. Although Mary and I had planned on going to New Zealand together, I knew it wouldn´t make either of them happy to leave eachother. Each time Mary and I had split up from Hari they had always made an effort to meet up and travel together again. Naturally, they wanted to be together, travel together... I just didn´t really know where that put me or what I would do when I got to New Zealand, which was now about a week away. I clearly had never planned on traveling alone for such a long period of time.
The next morning as Cyclone Hamish blew through Fort Douglass, I basically told Mary and Hari they had made a life commitment to eachother and going off and traveling together just made logical sense. It was ultimately what I think they both wanted. New Zealand would alway be there and Mary could go there anytime. About her leaving me and our plans of travel together, I guess that often life does not work out as planned. Mary and I would be meeting up again in Chile as we had a Peru trip booked- trekking the Amazon and Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, but the trip dynamic had changed.
The next day the Cyclone was still in full swing but we made to decision to rent a car and go see if the Daintree Discovery Center (rainforest walk) was open. Unfortunately it was closed, but we made the best of our day and went on a river cruise to see some crocodiles. Althought the rain was pouring down we did see some Crocodiles, Fat Albert being one. The tour guide and owner was an awesome guy who knew all about each crocodile and where they liked to hang out. The crocs were like his kids. We saw a small snake which Mary and Hari managed to take a small peek at (they are both terrified of snakes) and a cool looking green frog.
The next day the weather had cleared and we took another trip to the Daintree Discover Center where we walked in the rainforest. We were able to get close up to rare plan life and see all the different levels of the rainforest. The Center provided lots of information about the different plants and their purpose in the rainforest. When we looked up through the canopy of the trees we could see small rays of sunshine, it was quite beautiful. We then went north to Cape Tribulation where we walked along the beach and discovered awesome mangrove treeroots. Our final stop was at a winery were we were persuaded into buying two horrible bottles of wine, one was even left unopened- yes it was that bad.
The next day it was time for us to say good-bye. I had booked a snorkel-scuba trip leaving from Cairns early that morning because I couldn´t miss out on seeing the Great Barrier Reef, even if it was only from the snorkel surface. Mary and Hari were of course going to get their scuba diving on and still needed to find a trip down in Cairns. We would see eachother again in South America.
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