Friday, May 2, 2008

Plan B is Born

We had a plan. I was going to move to NYC in July and live with Mary... This is Plan B and this plan is way f'ing better.

It started off simple enough, two great friends discussing how much they love traveling, that they want to see everything, that they want to travel the world. Then the obvious question was posed 'Why don't we just quit our jobs in July and instead of you coming to New York we go traveling for 6 months, then we move back to New York.' 'Let's actually do it!' Done. A scribbled contract was signed (yes I am a total dork), a list of destinations jotted down, a 5 hour discussion on how the hell we were going to do this, and we were in. I never looked back or doubted that we would embark on this journey. I was so lucky that I had a best friend that was willing to do this with me, that could do this with me. For me the travel bug had been in my system since my semester study abroad experience in Barcelona (admittedly, I then added two summer programs -6 weeks in Rome followed by 5 weeks in Sevilla) during my junior year of college. For Mary it was the trip to Peru's Machu Picchu earlier in the year that got her.

This blog will (hopefully) cover our travels through the world and inspire others to do the same.

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